Trenching Water Line

Dirt Dogs Excavating recently dug another water line trench to help connect water to new customers in the fast growing Douglas County, Colorado area. Our trenches are a thing of beauty, perhaps because we are experts at what we do? Even if you don’t think a dirt trench is beautiful those trenches serve a valuable purpose – they bring in your utilities to your property so you can enjoy things like water, gas and electricity all from the comfort of your home. In case you didn’t know…water trenches are dug 5 feet down to keep the water from freezing. In Douglas County we often have to dig right through a tough environment of scrub oak and brush. When all the pipe is laid we’ll come back to the project and back fill it so its nice an pretty…all smoothed out so you never knew we were there once the grass grows back.

We offer trenching from 4” wide to 30” wide and depths as deep as 10 feet. And we have been digging trenches all over the front range of Colorado for decades. When you want a trench dug perfectly and at a fair price give us a call.

You can trust Dirt Dogs Excavating to do your trenching project right. For that matter…we can take care of excavating your road and drive way to that nice new home or ranch too! Just remember…when you’re dreaming of the pretty new house on the hill…we’re dreaming of beautiful dirt trenches and maybe uncovering a few gold nuggets while were at it.

> Read more about our trenching service here