Dirt Dogs Excavating recently installed a new sand footing at a real nice indoor horse arena in Franktown, Colorado. This indoor arena was about 80′ x 120′. The think about equestrians is they love to have a super level and smooth footing surface to ride around on. Rumor has it the horses enjoy it even more!
Just a little footnote:
Its impossible to tell from our “after” photo but if there was a “before” photo it would have looked more like a Monster truck race that was run on the moon. The surface was a filthy mess! The riders weren’t happy – the horses weren’t happy – even the barn didn’t seem happy.
That’s when Dirt Dogs came to the rescue!
First – we scrapped off the old sand and put it in a pile so the owner could recycle it into some other landscaping project. Then, after leveling off the sub-base, we brought in truckload after truckload of brand new, beautiful sand. We covered the entire surface with about 2.5 inches of sand and laser leveled it perfectly smooth – as you can see in the photo. This Franktown horse arena took about 4 days of work but when it was done everyone was happy!
Most of the time we’re used to working outdoors – sometimes in miserably bad weather – so it was really nice to enjoy the comforts of the indoors while we worked! But most important – the owner was happy to giddy-up again – while we drove off into the sunset.