We just finished off a beautiful horse arena in Douglas County, Colorado by adding 2 1/2 inches of sand footing spread evenly over the clay Sub-base. The arena is about 75′ x 175′ and is going to make a couple horses happier than most people as they ride around inside on the perfect footing we just laid down. We have been working on this horse arena for some time doing excavation finish work on the outside plus laying down the clay sub base. The clay is great for a horse arena because we’ll laser level it so its perfectly flat and over time the clay will pack down hard and retain its flat shape. We trucked in 175 tons of sand and smoothed it all perfectly to create the beautifully finished riding surface you see in the photo.
Yes, yes…we know the horses will love it but most of all the horse owner loves it which keeps us in business. If you happen to have horses that might need some ground in your horse arena that’s foot friendly…give Dirt Dogs Excavating a call!