Dust Control for Horse Arenas

Need Dust Control for your horse arena? One of our clients had us drop by to apply a great dust control product to their outdoor arena. Dirt Dogs Excavating are experts in applying one of the industry leading dust control products by Global Environmental Solutions. One of our equestrian clients in Longmont had us apply this awesome dust control solution to their outdoor arena because the owner rides a whole lot AND she really hates the irritating nuisance of dust in her face, eyes and nostrils. (Rumor has it that  her horse has been requesting this solution for years but the horse won’t talk to us about it). Bottom line… Dirt Dogs Excavating can help you control the dust in both your indoor and outdoor horse arenas using a state-of-the-art dust control product by Global Environmental Solutions.

Need to knock down your nasty dust?
Click here to learn more here!