Granite Road Base access Driveway – Kiowa

Dirt Dogs Excavating recently completed installing a new granite road base access driveway to a shop in Kiowa, Colorado. The property owner had an old, beat up road – about 300 ft. – that was rattling his teeth out when he drove on it and decided enough is enough! Dirt Dogs smoothed out the washboards and potholes and created a new crown to allow water and snowmelt to run off to the sides. We topped it off with two truckloads of granite road base which provides excellent traction especially in snow. The whole project only took one day. Another driveway job done perfectly!

Dirt Dogs are  your Driveway Installation Experts! If you need a new crushed granite or asphalt driveway or dirt driveway or asphalt driveway, driveway repairs or  overhaul – you know who to call! Or email us for a driveway quote! 

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